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The Hellenic Federation of the Deaf in the context of the European Programme Erasmus+, 1 KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices KA204 – Strategic Partnerships for adult education, will implement the project “ Deaf Adults as Role Models for the Hearing World: Links of the Same Chain ” bearing the Acronym title “ Sign Links ” and code number 2019-1-EL01-KA204-062935.The State Scholarship Foundations (IKY) is the National Agency of the Erasmus+Programme.The Participating organisations consist of 6 distinct partners based in 3 countries of the European Union: Greece, Bulgaria and Malta.As a result of our project we expect to adequately train Deaf adults to be Role Models for both the Deaf and the Hearing Worlds. This training will empower Deaf and Hearing people to live happy and productive lives and set standards for others to follow in our countries, the EU and the World.
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